Stuck in stress and overwhelm?

We can help stop the cycle of chronic stress and signal your body back to a calm relaxed state using our unique blend of holistic therapies.

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Did you know? Stress is linked to the top 6 causes of death in the United States and it is estimated that over 75% of doctor visits are from stress related issues! It's no surprise really, the problem is that for many people, the body and mind are never getting the message that it’s safe to go back into the “rest and relax” mode, so a state of chronic stress builds up. Paving the path for an array of health issues and diseases that affects every system in the body.

Relaxed woman - Limitless Photography by Anastasia

Get your life back and stop suffering from:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Insomnia

  • Low energy

  • Headaches

  • Muscle aches and pain

  • Palpitations/rapid heart rate

  • Frequent colds and infections

  • TMJ

  • Irritability & Moodiness

  • Easily feel overwhelmed

  • Difficulty concentrating and brain fog

  • Digestive issues

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“I have said it before and I will say it again THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! I can’t believe how much better I’m feeling. Work is still stressful, but it’s not bothering me nearly as much and I don’t feel as anxious about going in. I even had enough energy to go for a walk this weekend!” -M.T.

“I started seeing Dr. Tory because I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety. I couldn’t function without medication! After a few months, my mood started stabilizing and eventually I was able to reduce my medication. Even throughout the pandemic, I was able to navigate my life with less anxiety and actually feel present. The treatments addressed both my physical and mental state and helped me understand my triggers. I can honestly say that Dr. Tory helped me get my joy of life back.” -I.P.

“Thanks Tory. I wanted to report that I feel like "myself" for the first time in a long time. What I mean by that is that for the time being, I don't feel like a bunch of chaotic energy trapped inside a solid container. My energy feels calm and centered, which has allowed me to get back to focusing on the business of life rather than just managing symptoms.” -A.S.

*Individual results may vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors



1—We signal your body to relax

Life is stressful enough, treatment shouldn’t be. Our holistic therapies coupled with simple strategic lifestyle and stress management tools usually result in quick decreases in stress levels. You’ll feel better fast. Acupuncture research shows time and again that it significantly reduces stress in the body and releases natural feel-good chemicals like dopamine.


It’s no surprise chronic stress is so pervasive given the fast-paced world we live in with demanding and long work hours, packed family/social schedules, striving for perfection, and the constant stimulus of technology. Most of our patients have stress and they consistently report that after treatments they feel good and are able to manage their stress better, learned tools to help themselves, and feel back in control of and engaged in their life.


We know how to work with people who are concurrently taking prescriptions and doing psychotherapy. We know how to maximize your other therapies and minimize undesirable side-effects.

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 Frequently Asked Questions

How does acupuncture help with stress and anxiety?

Research shows that acupuncture increases the secretion of endorphins and dopamine (natural mood enhancer and relaxer). It also has strong balancing effects on the neuroendocrine axis (the communication system between your nervous and endocrine system) to dramatically reduce stress levels and improve your mood. Acupuncture is safe and effective natural stress relief.

Will treatments interfere with prescriptions or antidepressants/anti-anxiety medications I’m taking?

No, acupuncture and holistic treatments are safe and effective and do not interfere with prescription medicine. Actually, treatments can help mitigate unwanted side effects from prescription medicine. If any herbal/supplement advice is suggested, your practitioner will check your prescription list and make appropriate and safe recommendations based on available drug-herb interaction data.

What if I want to stop taking my prescription medicine?

DO NOT discontinue taking your medication. Always discuss with your prescribing physician about discontinuing/tapering a prescription medication. If it is your goal to reduce the use of a medication, first give your body time to stabilize with the help of holistic therapies, and then discuss with your physician how to properly taper.

Will treatments interfere with my doctor’s recommendations?

No, your practitioner won’t interfere with advice given by your medical doctor. All recommendations and treatments have an integrative approach in mind so you feel supported.

How long does it take to work?

Effects of acupuncture treatment for stress can be fast; people often comment how relaxed they feel during and immediately after treatment. However, since stress is pervasive and coming at us from all directions, it can take several weeks of consistent treatment to get lasting results coupled with incorporating strategies to help manage stress on a daily basis so it doesn’t build up again.

What about herbs and supplements?

Herbal medicine has been used for mood issues for centuries. They restore depleted glands, balance your endocrine system, reduce inflammation and have many other positive effects on your brain and mood system. Based on your goals, the strategic use of herbal medicine will be discussed and drug-herb interactions checked if you’re currently taking any prescriptions.